Angell Talent Show
Please join us to support the Angell School Talent Show on Thursday, February 6th at New Life Auditorium, 6 pm start.
As a reminder, all performers who are performing in person at the show performers must attend a MANDATORY rehearsal on Wednesday, February 5th at 3:48 pm. Students should meet in the Angell Auditorium and we will walk to New Life Church shortly after the bell. The rehearsal will likely last about two hours. Students can leave with a guardian after their rehearsal, or they can be picked up at 5:30 pm. Students who submitted a video do not need to attend on February 5th.
Important Dates
Wed, Feb 5 - Mandatory rehearsal for Talent Show performers at 3:48pm
Thurs, Feb 6 - Angell Talent Show at 6PM
Mon, Feb 10 - NAAPID breakfast & performance (please RSVP)
Thurs, Feb 13 - Valentine’s Classroom Parties
Fri, Feb 14 to Tues, Feb 18 - No school. Mid-winter break
Tues, March 4 - Early Release Day at 1:00 pm and Pizza House Fundraiser
News and Upcoming Events
Thank you
Thank you to Jessica Dold and Brooke Tomlins for organizing the Winter Wonderland Dance, and to the parent volunteers who helped at the event. The school was packed, the glitter and stones were flowing at the craft table, and the gym was full of dancing children (and a few adults!).
Angell Talent Show
Please join us to support the Angell School Talent Show on Thursday, February 6th at New Life Auditorium, 6 pm start.
As a reminder, all performers who are performing in person at the show performers must attend a MANDATORY rehearsal on Wednesday, February 5th at 3:48 pm. Students should meet in the Angell Auditorium and we will walk to New Life Church shortly after the bell. The rehearsal will likely last about two hours. Students can leave with a guardian after their rehearsal, or they can be picked up at 5:30 pm. Students who submitted a video do not need to attend on February 5th.
Questions? Contact Katie Ryan or Elyse Geeting.
Pizza House Dine and Donate - Tuesday, March 4th
We have lunch and dinner all taken care of on this early release day. Stop by Pizza House (618 Church St) on Tuesday, March 4 for all of your meal needs, and support Angell by participating in the 15% give back opportunity. Flyers will be distributed to all student folders days before the event.
Orders must be over the phone or in person and Angell Fundraiser must be mentioned.
Family Contributions - Happy February
There is still plenty of time to help meet our family contribution goal and finish the year strong. We are happy to accept any amount, and please remember that your company may be willing to match your donations. Payments may be made via Venmo @angellptotreasurer. Last 4 digits: 0375. Please include in the memo: email address, name of student(s), and “Fall FC.”
Angell Used Book Sale: Accepting Book Donations
The library is accepting children's books in good condition for the Angell Used Book Sale. The donation box is in the Angell Elementary library.
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Lauer at
Notes from Principal Fenech & the Office
I was pleased to see a reduction in tardy arrivals after my email last week. Some parents inquired about our new Monday announcements, letting me know that folks are reading my messages. Thank you. Yesterday’s Eagle Expectation review pertained to lunch recess. I reminded students to be considerate when they’re exiting and entering the building by using a volume level of 1-2, and to be responsible for their snack/candy wrappers. And the joke of the week: Why do people walk slowly in February? (A: Because it’s not March.)
So I can purchase enough food and coffee (post-Super Bowl), and ensure adequate space for the performance, please RSVP here. I am hopeful this year’s turnout of parents/caregivers will be record setting at Angell!
Eagle Press - January 2025.pdf Hats off to the 5th graders who write the Eagle Press, with the support of Mrs. Freeman.
This month the Angell Green Team is looking for your help, so please consider donating any amount to symbolically adopt Kili, a bald eagle. Kili was injured as an eaglet and lost his ability to fly. Kili serves as animal ambassador to help educate thousands each year about how to live in harmony with wildlife in our own backyards. Kili is a star resident of Howell Nature Center, a premier wildlife rehabilitation clinic. This wonderful nonprofit relies on donations to rehabilitate and care for injured animals in Michigan, including many native and threatened animals.
The Howell Wildlife Park is open 10:00 am – 5:00 pm daily, year-round. Your family can visit Kili up close at the birds of prey exhibit and enjoy their Wild Wonders Nature park, home to over 70 rescued animals. During the warmer months you can also play in Alexandria’s NatureScape and Tree House, and get hands-on in their Nature Zone. Thanks for considering a donation to this nonprofit. Teachers are collecting donations throughout the month. Spare change donations would be great! (Note: the Student Council is not hosting a February project that entails donations.)
AADL is hosting a book launch for MARTINA'S MUY BAD DAY, the book authored by Angell parent Melanie Wick Singer! The book launch will be celebrated on Saturday, February 8th at the Malletts Creek Library from 1:00-2:30PM. The launch will include a book reading, signing, snacks, and book-related activities. Come enjoy this free event!
We hope many families will consider joining us on Monday, February 10th to celebrate the important connections between families and school. Join us with your child(ren) for breakfast and coffee between 8:20 - 8:45AM.
New this year - we have a performance planned for families to enjoy! At 9:00AM Detroit musicians and storytellers Rev. Robert Jones and Matt Watroba will come on stage for their “Common Chords” performance that celebrates American music and cultural diversity. The program is a musical journey that tells the story of how American music grew from a family tree of European and African instruments, styles and stories.
Please spread the word to any families you know who might be interested in Young Fives (Y5) next fall. Families need to enroll in Young Fives by February 13th at the enrollment website. Enrollment in Y5 is NOT guaranteed for neighborhood families if they do not enroll in this first window.
Angell Learning Grants
We are very excited to announce our 2024 Learning Grant Awards below. Thank you to the students, teachers and parents, who submitted applications for our new Learning Grant Program to propose projects that benefit the learning of the Angell Elementary community. The Angell Community is so creative!