
Donate to your Angell PTO Annual Fund 

Your entire Angell Elementary School Community thanks you for your generosity! 

Dues and donations can be made directly to Angell PTO online through the free Venmo app. Please note that we have a new Venmo account this year.  Our new Venmo contact is @angellptotreasurer, last four digits 0375.  Please include student name(s) and purpose in the "What's it for?" field.

Email us with any questions.

Shopping Rewards


This is the easiest way to support the PTO!


Join a shopping rewards program that partners with the Angell PTO and your purchases earn cash donations that support enrichment activities, classroom supplies, and more!  Please take a moment to sign up today.

PTO Thrift Shop

Please consider purchasing from and donating items to the PTO Thrift Shop.  Profits from sales are distributed to participating AAPS school PTOs, PTSOs, and 501(c)(3) supporting clubs, organizations, and teams, for student enrichment activities in their schools.  Fundraising support from the Ann Arbor PTO Thrift Shop comes from their net profit from sales and is based on each school’s participation. The more we participate with them, the more we earn.



The Box Tops program is an opportunity to earn money for our school while buying things you would get anyway, and is now a completely digital process, saving you time and effort.  


You can download the Box Tops app and use it to scan and submit images of grocery receipts. All you have to do is scan your store receipts within 14 days of purchase and the app automatically finds Box Tops products on your receipt and applies them to the Angell account.  Once you are signed up you will also be able to see how much the Angell community is raising through Box Tops. Each box earns 10 cents for our school, which adds up fast!




Enroll in Busch’s Cash for Education program and start earning money for Angell every time you grocery shop. This hassle-free program requires nothing more; it’s that easy!


First, sign up for or log in to the MyWay program.  Once logged in, select Cash for Education from the dropdown menu underneath your name.  Select Angell Elementary School PTO.  To support Angell throughout the year, please select it for every quarter.


Every purchase you make will earn rewards for Angell if you use your MyWay card or phone number at checkout.  Angell will receive a check quarterly for your participation and as a MyWay member you gain access to exclusive offers and coupons.


By enrolling in Kroger’s Community Rewards Program, you can raise funds for Angell every time you shop at Kroger. 


First, set up your digital account and link your Shopper’s Card. If you don’t have a card number or it’s no longer available, you can create a virtual card number during the registration process. 


Once you are signed in, search for Angell School PTO or for organization number AN282.  Any transactions moving forward using the Shopper’s Card number associated with your digital account will be applied to the program, at no added cost to you.  Kroger donates annually to participating organizations based on your percentage of spending as it relates to the total spending associated with all participating Kroger Community Rewards organizations.

Family Contribution 

Each year our PTO spends tens of thousands of dollars to provide enrichment opportunities like field trips and guest speakers, supplies for the school office and classrooms, school-wide compostable products for parties/events, special projects like updating our school library, teacher and staff appreciation events and gifts, and events like our annual International Celebration. In a typical year, we raise and spend $35,000 to $40,000 annually to support the school. Our most recent expenditures by category are in the pie chart below.

This school year, we anticipate spending $125 per student. In an effort to reduce the number of times we ask families for money or to participate in fundraisers, we are attempting to move from numerous smaller collections over the course of the year, to one larger 'Family Contribution' collection in September. The 'Family Contribution' will replace the specific ask for Enrichment Fees (traditionally $75/student to cover Enrichment activities only) and instead will be an unrestricted donation used for the various expenses mentioned above. 

Our hope is that Angell families may be able to make a larger one-time gift in September that allows us to forgo some of the smaller fundraising projects (the multitude of dine & donates, shop & donates, salsa sales, etc.) that are often labor intensive and don't yield much profit. Please note that the PTO is not asking for more money, but rather  asking for money fewer times. We invite every family to contribute what they can toward these costs by making a tax-deductible 'Family Contribution' to our PTO. If you can afford a gift of $125 per student in your household (or more!), that would go a long way toward covering our annual expenses. Please visit the Google Form here to complete your family's contribution for this year.